I think I mentioned last week that our next project for Lent is rosary-making. The girls in this house (and even the boys at times,) love to string beads. I thought it would be a great idea then to get the kids started on stringing rosaries. The couple that are finished so far, I think are just beautiful, and there are a few more in the works that I think will be just as nice. A friend picked us up some beads at Walmart, and I was able to get the crucifixes and center pieces through a catalog order. A friend of mine suggested using dental floss to string them with, it's super easy for the kids to handle, and knots well. I think it's working great. I have enough supplies to do 10 or 12 I think. Although, I think we'll be making more in the future. But we have no plans for whom to share these with just yet. Anyone planning a mission trip, or having need of these rosaries, we'd love to donate them. Just let me know. It would give the project even more special meaning to know they're going to someone who would need/use/appreciate them! Just drop me a comment.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Need rosaries?
I think I mentioned last week that our next project for Lent is rosary-making. The girls in this house (and even the boys at times,) love to string beads. I thought it would be a great idea then to get the kids started on stringing rosaries. The couple that are finished so far, I think are just beautiful, and there are a few more in the works that I think will be just as nice. A friend picked us up some beads at Walmart, and I was able to get the crucifixes and center pieces through a catalog order. A friend of mine suggested using dental floss to string them with, it's super easy for the kids to handle, and knots well. I think it's working great. I have enough supplies to do 10 or 12 I think. Although, I think we'll be making more in the future. But we have no plans for whom to share these with just yet. Anyone planning a mission trip, or having need of these rosaries, we'd love to donate them. Just let me know. It would give the project even more special meaning to know they're going to someone who would need/use/appreciate them! Just drop me a comment.