Our crew seems to be on the mend, with only a couple lingering coughs and fevers. I'm praying that tomorrow will find us well enough to dive into the weekend head first. We've got a handful of fun things planned, we'll see what works out. The kids helped me to finish the housecleaning tonight, so sleeping in and enjoying a slower-paced morning is the start. Although, my dad called this evening to report he's finished building the 2 new 7ft. oak dining benches for our kitchen table. That means I've got some staining and finish work to do. I may just have to get over there in the morning to get a start on that.
Emma's got a bowling birthday party to attend around noon. Our afternoon is free, then we're planning to get to confession and 5:00 mass, at which Alice and Emma will be singing in the children's choir. Saturday evening we have a ticket for a family St. Patrick's Day dance sponsored by our local Knights of Columbus. That should be good fun for everyone (that is if everyone's healthy enough to attend.) Sunday morning Alice, Emma and I are heading to St. Henry for a 5k run/walk. (I intend to run, but with lack of training, I'm guessing there'll be more walking then planned.) John and the rest of the kids will join us later for their St. Patty's day parade. It's a fun little parade with lots of treats and green trinkets given out, so the kids are really looking forward to that. Sometime in between, the girls have plans to do some beading. We started the next of our Lenten projects tonight which is hand-beading rosaries to share. Emma got one finished tonight and it's beautiful. Grace and Mary have each started on one as well, and are anxious to complete theirs. I'll have to post about that project as we get further along with it, and decide exactly where they'll be going, etc.
Overall, we shouldn't be lacking for things to do this weekend. I'm guessing there won't be much posting time, so I'll catch up when I can. In the mean time, thanks for your support and prayers, and have a blessed weekend!