Sunday, March 29, 2009

Giving from the heart

I wanted to try to share these thoughts in my own words, but I think Patricia Fosarelli said it perfect in her Lenten devotional "Coming Home to the Lord." Aside from that, I'm dog-tired from another crazy, busy weekend. I'll fill you in on all of that later. God Bless!

Fifth Sunday of Lent:

So give for alms those things which are within [you]. Luke 11:41

When people speak of giving alms, they usually think of giving money to
poor people. In this passage from the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is saying that
when we give to others what is within ourselves, we are also giving alms.
Such "inner things" include our talents, laughter, concern, assistance and
friendship. Everyone, from children to adults, can give alms because they
can give from what they have.
God of generosity, help us to give alms in the ways that we can--sometimes
with money, and always with the gift of ourselves.