Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who was St. Rose?

Interesting that I just read that today is the feast day of St. Rose of Lima. I had heard her name before, but didn't really know anything about her...that is until just last week. The stained glass windows are being renovated at our church. So one by one, each window is carefully removed, temporarily replaced with clear glass, and then returned when completed. They're looking beautiful as ever. It just so happened that last week the window of St. Rose returned and mom asked me after mass, why she was wearing a crown of thorns. Hmm, didn't know, so I 'googled' her. Turns out St. Rose was known for her remarkable suffering (at times wearing the metal barbs which she hid with a crown of roses) as a means of penance and unity with the Divine. She is also the first canonized saint of the new world. A little Catholic/saints trivia for you today.

St. Rose pray for us, that we may recognize our trials and sufferings as a means to bring us closer to Christ as well. Amen.