Wednesday, April 1, 2009
the truth will set you free
I was just reflecting on the day a bit, and recalling what an excellent job my second graders did at mass today. It really was great to be a part of it with them as they shared in the procession, readings, offertory, and various other "jobs." It got me to thinking a bit more about today's mass readings and how crucial the message is today. The first reading was of King Nebuchedneezer, and the 3 men who refused to worship his golden statue. Rather, they accepted their fate in the firey furnace, and were found to be saved by an angel sent by God. The Gospel carried out this same theme, as Jesus told his disciples that when we live in His word, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. I can't imagine that I'm going to be put to such a test as the 3 men in the first reading, at least nothing so blatant. Yet, in today's society, we are all constantly being challenged to do just that, to recognize the truths of our faith, and to live them. How much simpler it seems sometimes to just allow our kids to do things because their friends parents are okay with it, or to participate in gossip rather than stop it, to ignore the issue of abortion rather than fight it, to turn a blind eye to those less fortunate than ourselves. So often we have a choice to do what's easy and "acceptable" or to do what's right. I find it a constant struggle to try to do what God wants for me, to do His will. Often, I find myself trying to chart my own course, or choose my own way. I must remember that it is sin which enslaves us. I pray today that God helps me to free myself from falling into the traps of wanting what is of this world, and wanting instead to live in His word, that I may be free to love, free to give, free to forgive, free to receive the gift of eternity with Him in heaven. amen.