Friday, January 2, 2009

busy doing not much of anything...

To stop by and see our house, you'd wonder what exactly I've been busy with. I've "kept up" with laundry and dishes, and the basic cleaning...but for the most part, we've been busy doing not-much-of-anything! These days since Christmas have been such a treat, and I just hate that school starts back on Monday already. We've all enjoyed sleeping in, staying up late watching movies together, eating popcorn from John's new "stir-crazy" popcorn maker, (okay, we're pretty simple) and basically just enjoying these 12 days of Christmas. I've yet to finish my Christmas cards, and am thinking I might just join the "every-other-year" club with a couple of my aunts. I can be cool with that. We still have not found homes for all the new Christmas toys, and find ourselves tucking them back under the tree each night rather than put them away. Our van was even out of commission for 3 or 4 days till we finally got it into the shop and running again, and honestly, we didn't miss it a bit. I love that we're spending time playing board games together, fixing puzzles, building blocks, oh, and Playdoh...we love that stuff!
Just wishing these simple times could last a bit longer. (sigh)
But unfortunately, John's back to work tomorrow already, and schools back in a couple days...the end of our little vacation is nearing. I think we'll do some baking tomorrow...sugar levels are starting to drop as the holiday treats have disappeared.
Peaceful weekend to you all!