Today we packed the kids into the van for a picnic and hike at Bruckner Nature Center (just south of Troy, OH). This was one of the last items to cross-off of our summer to-do list, and what a beautiful way to end the summer, indeed. We had a perfect little lunch of everyone's favorites...PB&J, chips, and ripe canteloupe, with bottled water on the side. Everyone ate well, and seemed happy to trek off into the woods and submerge themselves in the beautiful handiwork of our Lord. I love discovering new life, and new beauty around each turn, and the reactions of the kids makes it even more amazing. For fallen trees to climb over, creeks full of tadpoles and other tiny creatures to splash at, an abundance of stones for skimming across the pond and the eyes of children to help me appreciate it's beauty even more, I am grateful!