Who am I to deny my mom. So, here's my story, written sometime in spring 2004...sorry if you've read it before.
Counting my blessings at the Clothesline
“Happy Monday Everyone! (I know, grumble, grumble…back to the grindstone for those of you who do the 9-5 routine!) It was the same attitude for me today too, as I started my laundry that’s been building up all week. I finally had to give in and run a few loads before the kids started borrowing socks and underwear from my drawer! It was during my second trip out to the line this morning that I had to giggle when I saw my first load of darks hanging out…about 20 pairs of pint-sized denims all lined up in a row.
Wonder what people driving by thought…are we raising an army of
midgets here or what?! I had to giggle out loud as I took stock of that
long row of little legs. So funny to me, I even had to take a picture.
It was there and then on this partly sunny, but awfully chilly 50-
something degree morning, that God took a minute to remind me of all
the little blessings he’s given us! All this laundry I curse about each
week…piling up, waiting for the Era-elf to take over some night…was
such a visible reminder of these 6 beautiful children we’ve been given
and the means to provide for them. Not to mention the holey knees as
evidence of their good health and endless energy! Suddenly the
laundry didn’t seem such a burden today…although I’m sure by the time
it’s folded and put away, I will have lost sight of some of this peace and
joy. But for a moment, I’m grateful for this next heavy basket of damp
capris and onesies…knowing that it is in my daily service as a mom that
I am honoring God and following my true vocation! How richly I’ve
been blessed!!!
May you all find a moment of clarity and thank God for your blessings
as you continue your daily grind!
Have a great day all!” ~Jamie