She went on to tell me how all adults were going to celebrate by jumping in inflatable-jumpy toys, and kids would get to splash in a kiddie pool. We laughed, and Alice soon commented that Emma was so good at arranging meat, that maybe Emma could cater her wedding dinner. I laughed, and suggested there was a good chance that Emma may be busy playing "Maid of honor" that day. They both agreed. Soon everyone was talking marriage. Rose wanted to be in someone's wedding, hollaring "Me! Me!" John expressed an interest in marrying his twin Mary. We straightened that out by suggesting maybe instead they could have a double wedding, and get married (to someone else) on the same day. They thought that was a good idea. Soon Charlie was getting upset. "Who can I marry?!" I was quick to throw in, "Just become a priest and you can marry them all!" He liked that idea. A lot! It didn't take long before he wanted to dress the part, and insisted I find/make him a "puh-reestes" suit. After our fine dinner (which included the all too wonderful Ramen noodles as well...we went all out!) I scavenged through my craft supplies and linen closet. This is the best we could come up with spur of the moment. An old bed sheet and some crayola markers (no-sew style.) Frank decided he wanted to be one too. Let the weddings and baptisms begin!
future Fathers? Charlie and Frank