My second graders (religion class) and I were discussing Lent today. More to the point we were sharing ways to grow closer to Jesus through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Most of the students seemed to have a plan of action...less fighting with siblings, no sweets, one was giving up a particular Nintendo DS game, etc. I was impressed that they'd given it thought, and were excited to "dive right in" to this holy season. I wish I were feeling as prepared. I've thought about it a great deal, and yet can't put my finger on exactly what my plans are. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much...
I read in my "little black book" (a lenten book of reflections distributed by our parish)today:
"We all have a file of resolutions in the back of our mind. These are the ones we usually pull out at a time like this. Maybe we'd do better to put those aside for a moment and find out what God has in mind. It may be something we've never thought of, something that surprises us."
I had initially thought of taking time away from the blog, but dear husband John suggests instead that I should share my lenten journey with you readers. Hope you don't mind if I pass along prayers, reflections, and activities we come across. Afterall, it is my intention to share the blessings we've received, that we may all grow closer to our Saviour. May you all have a blessed Holy Season of Lent.