How's that saying go..."If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; but teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime." (or something)
Yesterday Charlie was learning the art of fishin' in the kitchen. He LOVED kneading the dough and was actually quite good at it. The little ones were napping away the afternoon while the older kids were at school. This fall he's off to preschool, and I think I'll miss our then Frank and Rose will be done napping though with plenty more fun times to come.
Yesterday Charlie was learning the art of fishin' in the kitchen. He LOVED kneading the dough and was actually quite good at it. The little ones were napping away the afternoon while the older kids were at school. This fall he's off to preschool, and I think I'll miss our then Frank and Rose will be done napping though with plenty more fun times to come.