As promised on the program the other day... here are various links that were mentioned relating to infertility, NFP, Napro technology, etc.
It seemed to be a great discussion we had. I appreciate those calling in with such wonderful information to share!
and details of the upcoming day of prayer, support and information on fertility treatments and adoption:
Saturday February 27th, 2010 9am-2:30pm
at the Transfiguration Center for Spritual Renewal (Ludlow Falls, OH)
Sponsored by Family Life Office, Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Cost: $10. per person, includes lunch
Presenters include: Dr. Jason Mattingly (certified in Napro Technology, and expert in Creighton Model Fertility Care System), Sylvia Carson, RN (Certified Fertilty Care Practitioner), Deacon John Corson, Beverly Badgett (adoption, pregnancy counselor) Dale Richardson (foster care & adoption), Julie Irwin-Zimmerman (author: A Spiritual Companion to Infertility)
Contact: Jean Borgert at the Family Life Office 937-492-4449