Emma's my tom-boy. Baggy boyish t-shirts, basketball shorts (the longer the better) and sneakers with everything are her staple wardrobe elements. She'd wear her favorite (lucky) socks for days on end if I'd let her. Fashion is not at the top of her priority list (it may not even be on the list.) She'd never comb her boy-short hair if I didn't enforce it, and spitting is not beneath her. She loves all things sports-related, is competetive, smart, well-read, and has a heart of gold. Painting her toenails is not something she allows me to do often, but when she does it's usually a cool shade of blue, black or school colors (orange and black). She can most often be found under a shade tree with a good book, or in the top of a good shade tree climbing as high as possible.
You can imagine my shock and surprise when she chose these shoes and dress for the wedding we attended this weekend. Oh my. She looks like a (gasp!) girl. Excuse me while I get a tissue to dry my eyes...