Sunday, March 4, 2012

silly me

"...I've been so lonely on my saddle since my horse died."
~something silly and random my goofy hubby used to sing...just for a laugh.

I'm feeling quite silly about things here on the blog. It seemed, well lonely...I was missing your feedback, and thinking that you all gave up on me....even after I posted about needing you all!
(poooor me.....)

And then I forgot to remember, that a few weeks back I turned on something called "comment moderation" to help cut out the spam and advertisements in the comment box. And in my forgetfulness and anti-spam angst, I didn't realize that you were there, leaving messages, and I didn't know I was supposed to check for them moderate all those comments. ALL 43 of them waiting for me patiently in blog-space somewhere. Just waiting on me...and whistling...and waiting.
And today, my mom tried to leave a comment and called me up and said..."Jamie, somethin's not right with your better check it out!" And so I did (cause I'm obedient that way.) And there you were...hands all reached out, commenting your little hearts out.
And I was oblivious.

And now I read all 43 of them, and I'm so not alone...just feeling silly for feeling that way.

Love you all!
And thank you for your patience with me as I continue to muddle through this computery stuff.

I turned comment moderation off. It's easier and more enjoyable to delete spam, than to feel like you're not out there.

Comment away...