Saturday, September 4, 2010

today a package came.

Please tell me we're not the only family that gets giddy and giggly when we find a package left on our porch. I'm not a huge internet shopper (not a huge any-kind of shopper, really), so when we see Mr. UPS or FedEx stop in, it's a big deal.
Today was one of those special days...and we all made a big fuss about it. Alice was the first to see it, and bring it in the house. I knew what it was immediately (I'd done a little online ordering earlier this week for some new baby things), and called the little ones in to guess what it could be. It didn't take long for a crowd to gather, as we ooohed and ahhhed..."whose name is on it?" someone beckoned. (It was for ME). "What is it??" Lucy begged.

"I think it's something for the new baby," I told them. Rose giggled like it was Christmas morning. We opened it carefully, and Lucy squeeled with delight to see what was inside...

Tiny baby clothes!

I purged our home of all things baby after Lucy outgrew them, holding on to only the gear and not the clothing...most of it so worn, it wasn't worth keeping. And the things that were new or still nice got passed on to family and friends. It's been fun collecting a few new pink and blue things...tags still on waiting till we know for certain what we'll need.
Of course I pulled the little sleepers out of the package, laid one across my bigger-by-the-moment belly and danced around to "model" it for everyone. 'Which one will we need to keep?' is the big question. Will it be a boy or a girl? Oh, we're just so excited to find out. It's been awhile since we've had a tiny baby...Lucy seems so ready to pass on her title. Only 8 more weeks to find out...

...oh, and wait till they see the cute little numbers that will arrive in the next package...too sweet!