Saturday, November 29, 2008

survived black friday

Whew. What a day that was. It's a darn good thing I spent all day Thursday "bulking up," in order to survive the marathon at the malls on Friday. I'll admit it...I love being out there in the thick of it on Black Friday. I'm not one of the 4am "door busters" but I think I've only missed once in the last 10 years or so. My sisters-in-law and I take off for the day around 7:30 am, and it's rare to be home before midnight. The last few years I've driven our 15 passenger van with the back bench removed...and we manage to pack that baby full, stocking up for the holidays. 6 women on a mission to get as much checked off our lists as possible. There were a few years I completed all my shopping in that one day. Not this year. I just wasn't as prepared with ideas as I could have been. But the day was a success, no less. Good company, good food, a few good bargains. Good times!

Needless to say, I'm "hung over" of sorts today. With first trimester fatigue/nausea and an 18 hour shopping spree under my belt, I feel drained of any energy. We did manage to start a little holiday decorating though, bringing out some snowmen, a small tree, the advent wreath, and advent calendar. It's beginning to look a bit like Christmas!