Wednesday, November 5, 2008

a few thoughts on the election

I watched the election returns with optimism last night, certain that there was a good chance that polls could be wrong, and that John McCain would in fact be the next president of our great nation. Unfortunately, that just wasn't the case. I was moved to tears and in complete disbelief when Senator McCain gave his concession speach. I'm certain I could never have been so gracious.
As I finally pulled my defeated self to bed, the words "healing" kept coming to mind. I considered the reactions I'd seen on tv to the election of our first black president. Words spoken such as "historic" and "I never imagined I'd live to see the day!" Words from people who'd lived through segregation and race riots, and horrors I could never begin to imagine. I realized how blessed, indifferent and perhaps ignorant I was to have never lived through those times. Never, did the thought occur to me to vote (or not vote) for him because of the color of his skin. I saw grown men and women weeping at the sight of a black man holding the highest office of our country. And as I lay in bed praying for the future of our nation, again the words "healing" kept coming to my mind. Perhaps while our future is uncertain, a part of our past may heal because of the election of this new president. While I am apprehensive of where he may lead us, I'm more aware that God is always providing opportunities for his Goodness to be revealed. I pray that many may experience healing through the renewed hope provided that anyone can do anything they put their mind to here in America, regardless of religion, economic status, or color of their skin.
God be with us, bless us and help this nation to heal. May the sacredness of all life be preserved. Be with our new President and allow him to be guided by your Holy Spirit. Amen.