Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Birthday baby girl!

Our little Anne is one already!
We celebrated with cake, of course. And gifts. All the kids love to dig through there treasures to give special gifts. Mary gave away her favorite bouncy's a big one, so there's no choking risk. And it says "princess." Anne is definitely the queen of the castle...and she knows it. How blessed I think our older kids are to grow up with little ones around. Everyone finds joy in babies. Truly....blessed.

Little John asked me for some aluminum foil before dinner tonight to create a masterpiece for the birthday girl...I gave him the end of the roll...and the cardboard tube as well and told him to "knock himself out" trying.

He knocked me out instead...with a a giant cardboard tube volcano on a tinfoil base...spewing with bendaroo "lava and flames." It was AWE-SOME! But it was the card attached that took my breath away...and melted me worse than the hot lava could have...

Translated, it reads: Our hearts (have) been erupted like a volcano for Anne's 1st Birthday.

Truly...blessed...and feelin' the love.

Happy First Birthday Anne Therese!