Wednesday, September 28, 2011

bloggin on busy

I hope that the theme of "busy" doesn't consume every blog post to come...I'm sorry if it seems that way. It's just that my mind is wrapped around the upcoming move, making even my "normal" days seem well, busy.

Here's my example for yesterday, "tweet style."

8:00 kids off to school
10:30 mom teaches religion
11:30 Charlie off to kindergarden
12:30 Frank & Rose off to preschool
1:00 home inspection...the rest of us out on the streets for the afternoon.
3:00 pick up Frank, Rose & cousin Beth
3:15 pick up the school kids and rally at Grandma's
3:30 Alice & Emma book club
4:00 Emma piano
--Mom & John's glasses ready for pick-up in St. Henry before 5.
5:00 home inspection over, back home for quick dinner
6:30 Alice and Emma (and mom) 6th grade movie night for religion classes
6:30 Sam & John conquest boys club
10:00 fall into bed without blogging again.

sorry friends.