I am an experienced gardener by no means. I like to dabble, and occasionally have successful blooms to start with...and then I lose interest, or forget about it, or something goes sour, and I end up with brown, dead-looking yuck in my yard. I love small potted flowers for this reason. When they start to go bad, I can dump them and not feel too terrible about it. A few years back though, our neighbor lady and green thumb extroirdinaire introduced us to Zinnias. She sprinkled a few seeds along her fence row, forgot about them, and had the most beautiful vibrant colored flowers from summer, well into fall. I was amazed!
She offered us some seeds to save and replant the following spring...and we did...and they grew. Just like that. I watered a few times in the beginning as they just came up, but beyond that...it was survival of the fittest. Not only did they survive, they thrived! Beautifully!
We've been purchasing seed packets every year since(2 packets of seeds does a nice long row along the side of the house along our driveway, which gets full sun all day.) I would like to say that we saved and started seeds from previous years, but, well...like I said, I'm no green thumb. And for under $2 investment each year, it's worth it for me not to have to dry and store seeds.
Anyways. If you're not familiar with these, I highly recommend them. They're beautiful showy flowers in shades from white to pastels to vibrant bold and autumn colors. And they're perfect for cutting like we did here.
Pick some up next spring...and enjoy!