Young Sam has been enjoying his share of popsicles, ice cream, milk shakes, pudding, yogurt and other cool treats this of the few perks of having surgery to remove his adenoids on Thursday. The novelty is wearing thin though, as he continues with occasional sore throat, stiff neck, and an extreme dislike of the antibiotic he's been prescribed to take 3 times a day. (Blechk!!)
He's been an extremely good sport though, and is anxious to get off the couch and back to school tomorrow.
I'm feeling guilty realizing now (after it's gone) what a terrible time he had with snoring, waking up grumpy (not fully rested), mouth-breathing all day. Yep, we should have had this taken care of years ago. In the wake of his silent nights, I'm beginning to realize that he has a couple of younger brothers who may be getting evaluated for similar symptoms, sooner than later.