Saturday, June 30, 2012

Leapin Lighnin Bolts, Batman!

The power is out!

A brief but powerful thunderstorm with 70+ mph winds swept through our area late yesterday afternoon, leaving trees and branches down, shingles strewn in all directions, all sorts of messes and hazards...including widespread power outages.

We faired pretty well, with only a small cherry tree lost, and a couple other branches to clean up.  It became an adventure of sorts as neighbors pulled together with chainsaws to help with clean up, and all the kids drug branches back to the alley.  There they burrowed little tunnels and made forts from the wreckage.  Our neighbors to the north (New Bremen) lost power completely, and around 9pm then, our community was dark too.  (Wondering if they had to turn ours off, to work on restoring power in New Bremen?).  Anyways.  It made for an interesting bedtime.  After shuffling all the dirty-yard-working-kids through dark showers, we finally settled in the family room with candlelight, sleeping bags and a good book.  We made our way through book #4 in the Junie B. Jones chapter book series.  The kids are in love with the little kindergardener and her shananingans.  It was a perfect, settling end to an unsettled evening.  They drifted off to sleep by chapter 5.   Ahh...God is good...all is well in our home.

And then I remembered that the swim towels I'd thrown in the washer for Saturday morning's meet weren't going to dry on their out to the clothesline I went with them, in the dark.  Shucks.  Hope they're dry by 7am.

End note:  Woke up to my cell phone alarm at 6:30 am, it's thunderstorming.  Towels aren't dry, but the meet's cancelled.  Power is back on.  Back to bed for just a little longer...all is okay in our little world.

Hoping the same can be said for yours.
