We had a full family weekend thanks to extra time off work and school, and collectively participating in various Easter Triduum services.
Thought I'd take a moment to share some lighter memories of our Easter weekend...
Alice and Emma played a double header against Parkway girls on Saturday...a full day at their lovely park in Rockford. We enjoyed the beautiful weather, their playground, a picnic lunch between games, and even a visit with Easter Bunny thanks to the Egg Hunt they had going on in the park that day. (We obviously were not dressed for an official visit with the King of Easter Candy, but hey when life hands us free colored eggs...we roll.)
That same evening, we finally had an opportunity to color eggs...all of us. Boy is it getting trickier all the time to spend quality family time together. And to be able to keep the mess outdoors...woohoo! Gorgeous weather!
Frank took this business very seiously...though its hard to take him seriously with that dirt-stained face....one only a mother could love.