Friday, August 24, 2012

Here's your sign.

Our pile of junk mail today included an offer from Highlights magazine...a sales pitch for kids magazines/fun pages that attmepts to real us in with free stickers!

While I will not be subscribing (as usual.) I will be graciously accepting this token gift of stickers as a SIGN FROM GOD...a direct order if you will, that today is a day to chill out. While Anne is napping away, Lucy and I will snuggle, color, stick stickers, read a book or two...and just hang out.

Operation: Clean & Organize This Crazy House is on hold.   It's been replaced by Mission:  Stop And Smell The Roses.  For now, junk drawers and clutter, dustbunny lairs, hard water stains in the shower, and lost Lego dudes looking for Barbie shoes in foreign places can wait.
We've got more important things to take care of.

Thank you Lord, for your subtle reminder of what is most important.