Friday, July 27, 2012

# 7

My seventh is seven today.  SEVEN!
Happy Birthday Charlie!

I remember well, my nervous (read: anxiety-ridden) anticipation of your arrival.  Our Christmas letter that first year summed it up well I think.  After sharing the various gifts that each of our children bring to our home, I added....
"...and NEXT comes Charlie, who's gift is that he keeps us from wanting to say LAST (no, we're not expecting as of yet.)  Before he made his debut in July, we certainly tried to prepare ourselves and the kids for the chaos and stress that were sure to come.  But the truth is, Charlie has brought the exact opposite.  He is such a joy!!!  We just feel that he's brought such a sense of peace to our home.  He's a little bit of heaven, sent to remind us to be grateful and to recognize all the graces that come with following God's lead.  How blessed we truly are!"
( not always peaceful.  But definitely a constant reminder of God's grace.  He's never short on hugs and kisses, never too big for a snuggle.)

July 27, 2005

and today...July 27, 2012 (dad's busy puttin' bread on the table.)
Love you Chaz-mo.