Tuesday, May 12, 2009

potty time!

At nearly 3 years old, it's time to give potty training some serious thought for twins Frank and Rosie. We've talked about it a lot, and they've given indicators that they're ready, but I've not really pushed either of them yet. That is, until today. They both wore big-kid underwear from breakfast on. Rosie took to the idea right away, and by afternoon, had peed 3 times, and even pooped on the potty without accidents. We have several little potties here...one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen (they tend to sit longer, if they are where the action is) and one out on the patio (cause sometimes it's a long way in to the bathroom!) I was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch when I heard Rose hollar from the back yard "Mom, I pooooooooped!!!" I peeked out the kitchen window to find her sitting proud as a peacock on her little pink potty chair...right in the middle of the patio for God and everyone to see. Little turkey had snuck outside for some "private" time and did her business just like a big girl. Our backyard neighbors got an eyeful for sure, but what the heck...we were all little once, right? It went down hill from there, with several accidents throughout the afternoon and evening, but never-the-less a thrilling first day I think. She ended on a good note by climbing on the big potty and peeing all by herself at bedtime. Frank...well, lets just say he was back in diapers by noon. He had 3 or 4 accidents by then, that didn't even bother him. He's still perfectly content to sit around wet all day if I'd let him. Oblivious...all boy. He still enjoys sitting on the pot every time Rose does, but has had no luck just yet. We'll see what tomorrow brings. We made a trip to Dollar General this morning as reward for Rosie's first success, she picked out Dora panties. I should have been able to predict the day for Frank when he put his Spiderman's back on the shelf and said "No thank you." (At least he was polite about it.)
All of the twins in this house trained at their own rate...I had wished there would have been some friendly competition to encourage each other on, but that never happened. So, who knows, I may just leave Frank in diapers for another month, till Rosie's a pro. I've been known to tell a few other boys in this house that "They don't make diapers for boys who've had their third birthday." August is still a couple months away. I can be patient. In the mean time, I'll be cheering Rose along, and praying for another successful day.